PH:  5046709500
FAX:  504-670-9500 option 3
3938 Bienville St
New Orleans, LA 70119

At Lafont Realties we acknowledge the milestones of this great city; we aim to strengthen communities while embracing the rich culture and vibrant history that makes us who we are. We are committed to high standards and focused customer service as the foundation of our business philosophy. With our common sense approach and careful attention to detail, we hope to emerge as your real estate broker for life striving to be the team you can count on today and always.




Lafont Realties



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Natalie Lafont
Lafont Realties
Ph: 5046709500Fax:504-670-9500 option 3
3938 Bienville St
New Orleans, LA 70119 US
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